Weald Squash club




Present: Paul Millman (PM) (Chair), Simon Tunley (ST) (Secretary), Fiona Western (FW), Mike Tonge (MT), Ian Robinson (IR), Justyn Price (JP) England Squash, Karl Manning (KM) Naomi Duthie (ND)






1.        Apologies for absence                                         

Chris Markham (CM), John Parr (JP) and Jenny Wagg (JW)


2.         Minutes of previous meeting/Matters Arising

            The minutes from the 01/05/07 were accepted as an accurate record. 


3.       Junior Development


Justyn Price England Squash Development Manager for the South East presented a development plan for Sussex squash. The plan included an audit of present clubs with basic statistics such as number of members etc, a SWOT analysis on the status of squash in Sussex and a development plan for the next five years. A copy of the plan can be seen at the end of the minutes.


The committee discussed the paper in detail and agreed with many of the points raised. Compared to other counties Sussex were in not bad shape however emphasis on junior development and the creation of pathways was essential. Concerns over the loss of the Community Squash Coach were raised, however Justyn highlighted that the conversion rate from the scheme, had not been as good as it could have and therefore a different approach was needed with more buy in by Chartered clubs.


PM stated the quick wins from the plan that we should focus on in the short term are: graded events; getting more clubs chartered or their status renewed; develop racketball; encourage clubs to enter national events and try and integrate mini squash into the more traditional clubs.





4.                  Senior/Junior County Closed


Junior event happening at West Worthing SC weekend of the 29th and 30th September. Tim Vail is TD for the event and has stated numbers are down on last year at present. Senior event will be hosted by Middleton SC but dates in February needed to be finalised. ST to speak to Richard Rogers on this as there is a potential clash with other England Squash Events.


5.           Hon. Treasurer’s report    


JP said all was in place for the budget for 07/08 although clarity on the junior fund was needed from Vanessa Prosser. JP stated CM had received all league fees form the clubs entering mens teams into the leagues. ST to speak to Vanessa on monies available for the girls county squads. PM asked ST to request updated budget report for 07/08 from JP



6.            Senior and Junior League Reports/ Knock Out Cups


Senior leagues in good shape and now under way. Junior leagues are struggling to get started again. JW with the help of FW is writing an email to all participating clubs to see if they are still willing to compete this season


7.           County Teams/ Organisers


ST had entered the relevant teams for both senior and juniors and this year a racketball team had also been entered. ST stated he had received a number of emails from players showing an interest in playing in the racketball team, which was a positive sign for the re-arranged fixtures in December.


ND had now established dates for girl’s junior county squads and had a reasonable turn out for the first two sessions. This was a very positive start in trying to get more girls involved in the game. ND wanted confirmation on who was leading the U13 girl’s squad/team and ST has confirmed since that it is actually Graham Stevenson who manages this team. However it may make sense in the future for ND to manage all the girls’ teams and ensure squad sessions include all age groups.






8.                  England Squash


JP stated there was nothing major to report. There was a plan to hold area workshops where counties could highlight to others areas of best practice in their county.


9.                  Newsletter


Following the success of the first newsletter it was agreed the second one would be published in December. Look to include PSL fixtures, new charter clubs and county team results. FW confirmed the budget for the production of the newsletter was £500 for two editions a season.


11.      A.O.B


FW asked about having money for trophies as the originals had gone missing. ST agreed to send details of Roger Browns trophies to FW to get costs. PM asked if the men’s leagues might also want trophies ST to check with CM.


IR mentioned his new email address.

ST to add ND to email list for committee

Look to attract Mike Phillips to the committee as has very good experience in developing junior squash and has worked for a CSP before as a rackets coach. PM/IR to contact.



Date for next committee meeting the 11th December 2007 venue TBC.  ST to book in conjunction with PM.

























































































































